Lets Learn Together


  • Cloud Computing Introduction and AWS Concepts

    What is Cloud Computing and its History? Cloud is nothing but another way of referring internet. The Internet is a worldwide network of billions of devices. That could be computers, servers, tablets, etc. communicating with each other and we as a user of the internet/cloud make possible the transfer of information across the world faster….

  • Basic Linux Commands – that every Linux Learner or Practitioner Should Know

    Linux is an Operating System. It is a clone of the UNIX Operating System. So, Understanding one is understanding the other. The below article shares some basic commands that every learner needs to know. Please read and share more commands in the comments. Thank you. Let us Categorize them according to the operations we perform…

  • Learning DevOps Engineering

    The DevOps Engineer’s responsibility is to move locally developed applications to the cloud and make sure its always up and running for clients. It includes a bunch of activities like Maintenance, Updates, Integration, etc. but on the whole, the journey is from the local host to the production environment. To become a DevOps Engineer following…

  • React Signup – Login Redirection

    Today, I was developing a sign-up page using React and was stuck in redirecting the page to the SignIn page on successful signup, because the version of react-router-dom I was using was v6 instead of 5, and history. Push was used with v5. After Spending hours on it I found that useNavigate is the hook…

  • AWS – Amazon Web Services – Adding a new and powerful Topic

    AWS – Amazon Web Services is a cloud provider that provides us with servers and services that we can use to scale business easily and can be used on Demand. AWS has revolutionized IT over time with the help of which the projects that were used to get developed by a large number of people…

  • Analyze Algorithm

    To analyze a given algorithm we need to know, which inputs algorithm runs fastest and for which the slowest or takes a long time. We can represent an algorithm with multiple expressions 1.     The case for which it takes less time – BEST CASE. 2.     The case where it takes more time – WORST CASE. The syntax…